The brand new designed Promethean ActivPanel is intelligently-designed and acts as the connection hub of the modern classroom for educators and students.
ActivPanel, an award-winning interactive display, with ActivInspire, a lesson delivery software for education, creates a smooth pen-on-paper writing performance with no script-lag, enabling teachers and students to collaborate with ease.
ActivPanel creates an enormously captivating “tablet-like experience” in the front of the classroom with its fabulous design.
ActivInspire is a collaborative lesson delivery software for interactive displays. Known and loved by educators around the world, ActivInspire provides a vast suite of tools to create and deliver dynamic lessons.
Designed by teachers for teachers, ClassFlow is next-generation lesson delivery software with advanced collaboration tools for student engagement. Energise the classroom with interactive lessons, activities, quizzes, and millions of immersive resources from educators around the world.